EVOLUTION™, the best available technology for pipeline isolation, incorporates all of these benefits into one complete and robust package. EVOLUTION™ is a patent pending product that is the first of its kind to be a fully encapsulated isolating gasket. The thinner, ⅛” (3mm) design minimizes the difficulties often encountered while attempting to install thicker isolating gaskets. The total encapsulation allows the gasket to be hydro-tested and kept in the pipeline with virtually no loss in isolation properties. The coating is a GPT proprietary material that is extremely abrasion and impact resistant. The coating is also chemically resistant to attack by H2S, steam, CO, CO2 and other chemicals often found in oil and gas pipelines.
EVOLUTION™ has passed API 6FB fire testing in multiple sizes and pressures and has a considerable increase in operating temperature over GRE products. It also has a number of other advantages over traditional GRE laminated products. Since EVOLUTION™ has no laminations, it’s able to withstand high pressures with no ill effects unlike GRE gaskets which are prone to delamination. Furthermore, EVOLUTION™ does not have the permeation issues that plague GRE gaskets.
ID Seal
Fully Encapsulated (⅛” (3mm) Retainer)
Proprietary Coating
Inconel C-ring