SLEEVES - each kit contains one G-11 sleeve per bolt. The sleeve length is the combined thickness of the flange, plus raised face or RTJ height, plus gasket, plus three washers. The wall thickness is a nominal 1/32” (.08mm) thick. G-11 is a higher temperature sleeve material meeting or exceeding NEMA G-11 requirements. The product is a high strength sleeve capable of withstanding moderate side-loading while resisting fractures during installation.
WASHERS - each kit includes four DIAMOND-HYDE™ coated HCS Washers per stud which are more abrasion resistant and stronger dielectrically than the older generation isolation washers. Rated from -50°F/-46°C to +425°F/218°C, DIAMOND-HYDE™ provides long life and superior electrical performance. DIAMOND-HYDE™ coated HCS Washers provide a chemically resistant barrier. The isolating washer can be the weakest link in a flange isolating kit. By using DIAMOND-HYDE™ coated HCS Washers, the washer is extremely impervious to cracking, chipping, or scratching. The product has successfully passed API 6FB fire testing. The washer ID has a custom diameter to accommodate the sleeve wall thickness.